Multi-use industrial packaging was designed in order to protect natural environment and natural sources and to reduce consumption of energy. This is why the professional service of the packaging is so important.

Professional collection, recycling and re-use of the industrial packaging

IBC SERVICE collects dirty, used and contaminated packaging, as well as emptied packaging which may be re-used and recycled.

Our company offers professional services including the maintenance, recycling, and secondary marketing of reusable industrial packaging.

In line with the idea of creating reusable packaging during its multi-stage washing and cleaning, our company is committed to having the least possible impact on the environment by:

  • using equipment which uses very little water and energy,
  • appropriate disposal and treatment of wastewater,
  • washing packaging without the use of chemicals.

We comply with all environmental regulations also when collecting your packaging. You may feel safe about natural environment when cooperating with us.

Collection of industrial packaging – required data and information

  1. Data of the owner of the packaging
  2. Type of the substance that has been recently transported in the packaging
  3. Address of collection and name and surname of person responsible for the packaging
  4. Preferred date of collection
  5. Number of used packages
  6. Classification (waste or a multi-use container)

    Professional collection, recycling and re-use of the industrial packaging

    The packaging is collected upon sending a phone, fax or electronic (e-mail) request to the company IBC Service – the request must include all the aforementioned information.

    Transport is provided at the expenses of IBC SERVICE.

    IBC SERVICE’s purchase price of packaging depends on its condition.

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